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When it comes for adapting new things and doing some new stuffs most people hesitate in accepting the challenges .
But you know if you want something good you have to give something which dont add values to our lives.
Let me give you some examples
Suppose a guy is using his phone 6-7 hours a day and doing nothing that adds value to his life.Then a time will come when he will become frustrated and thinks his life is of no worth because he is not doing any tasks that challenges him that made him realize that he is not only made for useless things but also fabulous stuffs .
He is capable of achieving great things in life but he is not being able to come out of comfort zone or maybe he dont want to come out. It all depends on who he is.

There are many superb things which he can try like

1.Reading books(One of my favourites)
3.Writing blogs
4.Learning a new language
5.Learning yoga ......and so on.
6.Giving up addiction.

The above listed habbits can change anyone sluggish life into a vibrant one.
I also made some wonderful changes in my life by accepting 21/90 rule.
It usually takes 21 days for developing a habbit and 90 days to accepting a lifestyle.
follow the below steps

1. Keep yourself away from distractions like phones and television. At begining there will be craving
    for these things.

2. Stay yourself motivated   staying motivated

3. Keep yourself away from toxic people who always criticizes you .

4. Dont share your plan with anyone untill success

5. For 21 days you have to do that things which you are supposed to make your new habbit( like reading,exercise,writing etc.) learn 21/90 rule efficiently

6. Give yourself small rewards at regular interval of time( it boost up your confidence to another  to level)

7. Just keep moving and take small step. As such small steps could make a darstic changes to your life.(Its a Kaizen way and I have read this book 4 years ago)

8. At day 21 congratulate yourself and then continue it for next 90 days and in this way it will   
   become a part of your lifestyle.

PRO TIP: If you are unable to control your mind you can do meditation for atleast 15-20 minutes.



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