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Welcome all to my new blog today we will be starting a series on how to GROW IN LIFE .
It will take several blogs to complete this and these are the ideas being taken from the book "THINK AND GROW RICH"

So the first step to success in life is done by "The Power Of Thought".

Truly 'thought are things' and powerful things, when mixed with PURPOSE, PERSISTENCE and a BURNING DESIRE then it can translate anything into riches.

There's a story of Edwin C. Barnes . In beginning he had nothing and his soul desire was to work with Thomas A. Edison. By any mean he reached to Edison and told him that he want to work with him. Days passed but he did nothing fabulous but a time time came and Edison had devised a machine Edison Dictating Machine but the sales of the machine was not so good so Barnes took the responsibility of selling the machine. And he see this as an opportunity and it was a golden one and he also knew that he could sell that machine . He started and sold it wisely and earned 2-3 million dollars.


"One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by a temporary defeat.Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another"

R .U . Darby  tells the story of his uncle , who was caught by gold fever in the gold rush days. He had worked really hard but finally he decided to quit so at last he sold every thing to a junk men  and took the train back home.That junk man called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculation.  The engineer advised that the project had failed because the owners were not familiar with the fault line. His calculations showed that the vein would be found just three feet from where Darbys had stopped drilling and this made that junk man a millionaire.

"Before success comes to most people , they are sure to meet such temporary defeat, and perhaps some failure.When faced with defeat the easiest and most logical thing to do is to QUIT"

"More than 500 of the most successful people America has ever known told that their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at  which defeat had overtaken them. Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning."

" Life is strange and often imponderable! Both success and failures have root in their simple experiences."

"One of the main weakness of mankind is the average person's familiarity with the word IMPOSSIBLE . He knows all the rule that will not work. He knows all the things that cannot be done"

"Success comes to those who become success conscious and Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious."

"Another weakness found in altogether too many people is the habit of measuring everything, and everyone by their own impressions and beliefs."

One very interesting story is about Henry Ford. Millions of people look at the achievements of Henry Ford and envy him his good fortune, or luck or genius or whatever it is they credit for Ford's fortune. When Ford decided to produce his knew famous V-8 motor, he decided to build the engine with entire 8 cylinders cast in one block and instructed his engineers to produce the design for the engine.But the engineers believed that it was impossible to cast an eight cylinder gas engine block in one piece.
Ford said it must be done.Months passed and after 2 years they were able to do so.
"Henry Ford is  a success because he understands and applies the principles of success"

W.C  Henley one of the greatest poets of all time once said "You are The Master of your Fate"
because we have the power to control our thoughts.


  1. Yeah,, we always get scared by failure,,,but rather it is an achievement,,,it is an indication that we are going to succeed..


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